VNS Health has long been a leader in providing safe, culturally sensitive care to LGBTQ+ individuals and people with HIV/AIDS regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
If you or your loved one identifies as a part of the LGBTQ+ community, we are dedicated to delivering the care that supports your physical and emotional needs. Rooted in empathy, courtesy, and respect, we provide the care you need and refer you to additional support systems — both within VNS Health and in your community.
Caring for LGBTQ+ Older Adults with Dignity and Respect

New York State is home to over 800,000 LGBTQ+ adults, about a third of whom are over 50 years old. VNS Health team members have received training in working with LGTBQ+ communities from the advocacy organization SAGE. SAGE is the country’s largest and oldest organization committed to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older adults. This training ensures that our team members are aware of and sensitive to the needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ older adults.
In fact, VNS Health is the largest home- and community-based health care organization in the New York City metropolitan area with the SAGECare Platinum LGBT cultural competency credential.
LGTBQ+ Outreach
VNS Health LGBTQ+ Outreach is a community resource hub for LGBTQ+ older adults. Our goal is to provide a wide range of welcoming and safe home- and community-based health care services that take an integrated, holistic approach to caring for LGBTQ+ patients, clients, and health plan members.
We can help you find resources, such as health screenings and information and education to help prevent disease.
VNS Health Gender Affirmation Program
The VNS Health Gender Affirmation Program addresses the unique needs of transgender and nonbinary individuals having gender affirmation surgery.
With the support of over 200 frontline team members, the Gender Affirmation Program supports the physical aspects of recovery — and the emotional and mental ones too. The program includes nursing support and care as you recover from surgery, as well as information about practicing self-care habits to help with anxiety, dysphoria, and depression.
Living with HIV/AIDS
The impact of HIV/AIDS on the LGBTQ+ community is significant, and LGBTQ+ older adults have been more affected by the disease than the population at large.
VNS Health has long been at the forefront of caring for people with HIV/AIDs. In the early days of the AIDS crisis, VNS Health responded by creating significant changes within the national health care system to provide crucial physical, emotional, and educational support for people with HIV/AIDS.
Today, we continue to prioritize caring for those living with HIV/AIDS. Nearly half of people living with HIV in the United States are over the age of 50, and many face unique needs as they get older.
In addition to providing culturally sensitive and empathetic care, our teams are equipped to help manage and provide support for complications of HIV/AIDS.
Complications of Growing Older with HIV/AIDS
People living with HIV may face health concerns, such as:
- Managing several diseases or conditions
- Following complex medication plans
- Facing changes in physical abilities
- Experiencing difficult emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and loneliness
- Navigating mental conditions, such as HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
- Coping with HIV-related stigma that impacts quality of life and self-image
VNS Health Is Here For You
At VNS Health, we are dedicated to supporting the home care needs of LGBTQ+ older adults and people of all ages, gender expressions, and sexual orientations who are living with HIV/AIDS. We provide high-quality, culturally sensitive care to ensure the best possible support at home and in your community.
Related Services
Gender Affirmation Program
Addressing the unique needs of transgender and nonbinary individuals having gender affirmation surgery.