VNS Health’s priority is your health and safety and those of our team members. The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads very easily. You can catch it from family or friends or through activities in your community. You can also catch the virus from someone who is infected but does not have any symptoms.
We’re Committed to Keeping You Safe
- VNS Health follows guidance from New York State, the CDC, and New York City public health officials. Our team members must be vaccinated (unless they are legally exempt).
- VNS Health team members who make home visits wear personal protective equipment. They are trained on how to use it, and they are required to wear it during visits. They also monitor their health daily.
To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, VNS Health recommends that you:
- Get fully vaccinated. Get a booster.
- Wear a face mask during home care visits.
- Stay home if you can. If you must go out, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces and keep at least two arm lengths away from people who do not live with you.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay away from those who have been recently exposed to COVID-19.
- Clean your hands often. Use soap and water for 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Clean frequently touched objects.
Your local health department may call you directly to track COVID-19 exposures. Please answer the call, and describe any close contacts you might have had after being exposed to the virus.
Please contact your VNS Health care team if you have any specific questions or concerns.
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we all continue to fight COVID-19.
Andria Castellanos
Executive Vice President and Chief of Provider Services

Published January 10, 2022